My Markdown setup
I use a highly customised Markdown engine for my blog. It is backed up by the javascript based pluggable Markdown-it engine. In this article I am going to show you all the features it has.

I use the Markdown-it engine to implement the feature set I find useful to have for my articles:

  1. Easy to use figures with indexing and referencing.
  2. Code snippets with optional titles and the ability to copy the cope with one button.
  3. External link handling.
  4. Section dividers with optional titles.
  5. Message boxes.
  6. Anchor links.

I used the following software components:

Package Version Description
markdown-it 8.3.1 Core engine.
markdown-it-anchor 4.0.0 Anchor links for header.
markdown-it-container 2.0.0 Custom containers with predefined classes.
markdown-it-custom-block 0.1.0 Custom blocks with custom renderers.
markdown-it-external-links 0.0.6 External link handling.
markdown-it-footnote 3.0.1 Footnote system.

Since I am using Metalsmith for my blog, I was implemented the custom Markdown system as a Metalsmith plugin with a few helper function. The sources for the whole system can be found on my site’s GitHub repository.

Figure system

My figure system uses the markdown-it-custom-block plugin to define the necessary custom renderer function as follows:

const md = new MarkdownIt()
md.use(mdCustomBlock, {
  img (raw) {
    const [index, alt, width, url] = raw.split('#')
    return `<figure id="fig${index}">
      <img width=${width} src="/assets/images/${url}" alt="${alt}">
      <figcaption>Fig ${index}: ${alt}</figcaption>

That code snippet will define a custom @[img](index#title#width#image_url) block that can be used to insert figures. This one-liner will result the following html code:

<figure id="fig${index}">
  <img width=${width} src="/assets/images/${image_url}" alt="${title}">
  <figcaption>Fig ${index}: ${title}</figcaption>

Using a bit of CSS wizardry will create automatic wrapper-less borders around the image blocks:

figure {
  position: relative;
  border: none;
  border-bottom: 1px solid palette(Black, Dividers);
  width: var(--content-width);
  left: - $content-padding;
  margin: 0;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  align-items: center;
  img {
    max-width: 740px;
    margin: 20px 0px 8px;
  figcaption {
    font-size: 0.9em;
    font-style: italic;
    margin-bottom: 10px;
:not(figure)+figure {
  border-top: 1px solid palette(Black, Dividers);

Figures example

The following markup will be rendered as a figure group containing three images. Each images will have its own figure id, title, and a hidden anchor /#fig<number> link for later references.

Test figure 1.
Fig 1: Test figure 1.
Test figure 2.
Fig 2: Test figure 2.
Test figure 3.
Fig 3: Test figure 3.
Figure syntax
@[img](1#Test figure 1.#160#tibor2017-600.jpg) @[img](2#Test figure 2.#160#tibor2017-600.jpg) @[img](3#Test figure 3.#160#tibor2017-600.jpg)


Similarly to the figures, the dividers also implemented with the markdown-it-custom-block plugin.

const md = new MarkdownIt()
md.use(mdCustomBlock, {
  divider (text) {
    return `<div class="divider">${text}</div>`

Divider example

My first divider
My second divider
Divider syntax
@[divider](My first divider) @[divider](My second divider)

Message boxes

I like to use message boxes to highlight sime important sections.

This is a success message.

This is a info message.

This is a warning message.

This is a danger message.

Message box syntax
::: success This is a success message. ::: ::: info This is a info message. ::: ::: warning This is a warning message. ::: ::: danger This is a danger message. :::
